Saturday, February 27


Uwah~ I've been filled with content recently as I am finally breaking out my little wota shell and being noticed. I guess you could say I'm the kind of person who take pride even in the smallest victories. Now you may be saying wtf is she talking about get the H!P crap already and I would reply with go punch yourself in the face (For some reason I've been saying that alot lately)

First off when I wake up in the morning I turn on my ipod open up echofon and scan thru the hundred some tweets. But what really makes me smile is seeing that some one replied to me. With college I haven't gotten out much so any kind of social interaction brightens my day. (have I scared you yet?)

So my first thanks go to all of those who follow and talk to me on twitter: chibilolli, Lord_jagganath, justd3, TakeoRey, & DarkhandGuy

Now you may have noticed (ok let's be honest you probably haven't) that I put a new thing on my side bar at the very top BlogBuddies. These are the awesometastical (did anyone else read that & think testicle?) people who follow my blog & put me on their blogroll. Now I have a separate blogroll but that's for all the blog I follow. So yeah I must thank Lolli, TerryXX, & faiiy MINASAN DISUKI!

Last but not least (is anyone still actually reading this? I didn't intend to type so much) it isn't so much as thanks for talking to me and giving me some wota love as is it HOLY CRAP I'M ON INTERNATIONAL WOTA! I was doing my nightly routine of checking blogs & tweets and I saw IW tweeted about the new post about Melon Kinenbi. No lie, my first thought was "I bet they don't have my post on there" then I clicked the link and scrolled down and saw this

Then my first thought was "UWAH YATTA~" (yes I sometimes yell out random Japanese words and scare the crap out of my family)But it actually made me quite happy as I have only had this blog for a few months, I don't always post frequent update stuff, and my post are lacking in actual news and personality so yeah I now have incentive to step it up a notch ^_^ So actually to have to thank maize for putting me up there ARIGOTO GOZIMASTA MAIZE-SAN!

NOW if you made it all the way to the end give yourself a round of applause...*cricket sound*...well thank you mister cricket for reading my blog {gomen~ but I'm not holding anything back now if it pops into my head I'm typing it} Well mister cricket I am going to reward you with a PICSPAM tomorrow. Sorry for getting your hopes up I know I haven't done a picspam in a while but I really need some sleep. I've had really bad abdominal cramps for last 10 minutes but I really wanted to type this and it out there. I have been overwhelmed with school and the economy and crap but when I watch hp & I talk to all of you guys it really releives my stress. Nothing can express my gratitude to all of you and also to those have looked at my blog that I haven't talked to SO MANY COUNTRIES!

So I end here with a picspam update to come in a day or two. I'll also try to fix the billion grammar errors, typos, and butchard Japanese that are probably in here but my eyes can't stay open for much longer.




  1. I'm don't know what I'm more chuffed about - the fact that you mentioned me twice in your blog or the fact that you mentioned me FIRST both times in your blog <3

    I like talking to awesome people and you're an awesome person. More than that, you're an awesome Gaki-san fan! High-5 o/

    Keep up the good work with your blog. Hope you don't mind but I'm just about to pinch a quote from you :P *runs*

  2. Thanks guys I'm so giddy right now :D

    and lolli, pinching a quote? Well I've never heard if put that way before but which quote will you be pinching? xD

  3. Congratz on getting on IW! It's no small victory ^^; Thanks for mentioning me on this post, you're an awesome blogger friend too!
