Tuesday, December 8

Secret Santa Shoutout

Try saying that 3 times fast.

First! Two exams down and two to go, then I will be blogging like crazy.

Second! not that it really matters, but I changed the blog name from hellomusicalcosplaytime to NerdyFemaleWota which is much more simple and straight forward dontchya think?

Third! I am get overwhelmingly happy every time I look at my flagcounter. In just 2 weeks this blog has been viewed over 460 times by 35 people from 5 different countries!?! Even though 30 are from the USA (wah awsometastic) i never expected many people to view my blog since there are so many 'famous' blogging wotas [just look at my blogroll] to see that people from other countries is awesome - yay Mexico & Canada, sweetness Singapore, and holy crap Poland! Even though one person from an entire country that briefly glanced, it makes me feel special (corny and pathetic i know). [:

So thank you random persons from the internet. Feel free to leave a comment, say hi, or share blogs!

Now just in case you haven't gotten into the Christmas spirit yet, here is a delightful little sampler assortment...great, now I want to devour a whitmans sampler

Such an old picture; such a great lineup

f(x) Chu~♡

(gah now I want some Hersey Kisses)

what a wondergirl time of year

we interrupt this corny play on words to inform you of something you probably already know: the Wonder Girls are going to preform on So You Think You Can Dance. While I have never watched the show and have no plans on watching it in the future; I set my DVR as soon as I heard the news (from their twitter). for more awesomeness, you should go visit their official site right after you finish reading this post x]

A few girls from snsd [Girls Generation] during a winter photoshoot.

another picture from 2ne1's Baskin Robbins photoshoot.

By this weekend I will be officially on winter break and then I'll upload a gigantic post of Koharu's graduation and riddle it with pictures, so many pictures it can't even be called a picspam so I made my own word PICSPASM (even though other people have probably used it before, I mean, all you do add an s :P)

Still not christmasspiritified? Watch This!

4minute's Jingle Jinle video.

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